GMAT for MBA and Business Masters in Canada
The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council is a computer-based standardized test in mathematics and the English language for quantifying aptitude to succeed academically in the field of business and management. Most Canadian business schools want applicants to have a GMAT score in order to evaluate their qualifications for advanced study in business and management. The GMAT is conducted entirely in English.
GMAT Exam Pattern
GMAT is a 3 hour 30 minute Computer Adaptive Test. The test has four sections:
1. Analytical Writing Assessment—measures your ability to think critically and to communicate your ideas
2. Integrated Reasoning—measures your ability to analyze data and evaluate information presented in multiple formats
3. Quantitative Reasoning—measures your ability to analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skills
4. Verbal Reasoning—measures your ability to read and understand written material, to evaluate arguments and to correct written material to conform to standard written English
GMAT Exam Structure
Test Section: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)- Time Limit: 30 Minutes
- No. of Questions: 1
- Questions Type: Analysis of an argument
- Score Range: 0-6 (in o.5 points increments)
Test Section: Integrated Reasoning (IR)- Time Limit: 30 Minutes
- No. of Questions: 12
- Questions Type: Graphics Interpretation, Table Analysis, Multi Score Reasonin, Two-part Analysis
- Score Range: 1 to 8 (in 1 point increments)
Test Section: Quantitative Reasoning (QR)- Time Limit: 62 minutes
- No. of Questions: 31
- Questions Type: Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving
- Score Range: 6-51 (in 1 point increments)
Test Section: Verbal Reasoning (VR)- Time Limit: 65 minutes
- No. of Questions: 36
- Questions Type: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction
- Score Range: 6-51 (in 1 point increments)
GMAT Score Validity
GMAT Score is valid for a period of 5 years. However, you can retake the test and send best score to B-Schools.
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